Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Blue Minotaur

Where my origins are, deepen to the art, a very spontaneous response to myth and culture, an 'alla prima" painting, wet to wet in one session. I quite like the fact that it was a bit experimental and very spontaneous. I enjoyed the process and most important, the following day after I completed the work, I did not dislike it. This is something that it may not always happen. In fact, I was also engaged with a self-portrait last week, using the same technique, which did not survive. Now it's underneath another new painting.

The Minotaur is a motif which is recurrent in my practice, since it brings to life my Spanish roots. I am also a Taurus and feel very much identified with the symbolism of this animal. The Minotaur was a creature who was born from an abnormal sexual encounter between a woman and a white bull and who was imprisoned for life. This fact opens up the tantalising question about how much we are responsible for our own actions or behaviour since we have not much saying when we are born. The way we are, the way people behave... is this the result of a social phenomenon experimented by mass and culture? Can the beast be born or it is made? We are born alone, and we continue to be alone in our life, no matter how many people we surround ourselves, there's always a void.

Blue Minotaur. Oils on Canvas

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