Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Alguno de mis trabajos, oleos sobre papel, influenciados por la series de 'Los Caprichos' de Goya. 

"Autoridad, esa señora puta prima-hermana de la justicia..."

Some of my works influenced by Goya "Los Caprichos"

"Authority", oil on paper, A1           "On Justice, oil on paper, A1

Friday, June 1, 2012

Quote of the day

"An empty canvas is full"
Robert Rauschenberg

This quote is unfinished. To me, an empty canvas is full of magic, full of ideas waiting to be conveyed and my best friend. The one who is always there like a dog, in silence showing its presence accompanying my thoughts.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Diamond Jubilee submission

Above are my entries to the Diamond Jubilee Competition. Work is displayed at the Corinium Museum in Cirencester from 30th April to 5th June 2012.
Also visit the link to the Best of Britain Competition to see other works. Link below.
Review: I give one star out of five to the organiser: Lavinia Drake as she have not made great effort to inform artists where the postcards have been travelling after this event.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Latest works

One of my latest works is about change, change, change....and have also titled CHANGE.

Change is very necessary nowadays!..., but what is it that we would need to change in our political/financial clime at present? It's not just about money after all.

"Change", coins on paper, A1

Friday, April 6, 2012

Artist Wanted

Please, open the link with my name below and click on "collect me" to help me have my work show in time square this summer. thanks.
Ascension Lorente Huguet

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Art Play

From my latest experiments it came this work above, an emphasis on the use of materials and light was made, in which the creative process as well as the visual transformation of the materials are as important as the final product.