Friday, May 20, 2011

Emigrante no hay camino se hace camino al migrar

This is a country full of immigrants in which people from different nationalities live together but not always in harmony. As one myself, I have experienced well what it means to be an immigrant in a foreign land. Mass population hide people's identity and are driven to a mainstream of adopted routine, consumerism and fake believes.
 Studio for an Immigrant. 

"The Immigrant", oils on paper

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Blue Minotaur

Where my origins are, deepen to the art, a very spontaneous response to myth and culture, an 'alla prima" painting, wet to wet in one session. I quite like the fact that it was a bit experimental and very spontaneous. I enjoyed the process and most important, the following day after I completed the work, I did not dislike it. This is something that it may not always happen. In fact, I was also engaged with a self-portrait last week, using the same technique, which did not survive. Now it's underneath another new painting.

The Minotaur is a motif which is recurrent in my practice, since it brings to life my Spanish roots. I am also a Taurus and feel very much identified with the symbolism of this animal. The Minotaur was a creature who was born from an abnormal sexual encounter between a woman and a white bull and who was imprisoned for life. This fact opens up the tantalising question about how much we are responsible for our own actions or behaviour since we have not much saying when we are born. The way we are, the way people behave... is this the result of a social phenomenon experimented by mass and culture? Can the beast be born or it is made? We are born alone, and we continue to be alone in our life, no matter how many people we surround ourselves, there's always a void.

Blue Minotaur. Oils on Canvas

Friday, May 6, 2011

Reflections at Little Blue Hut: Part V

"The artist's Eye"  Copyright M.A.L.Huguet


There were not many visitors attending to "Meet the Artist" day, only few friends of mine and just two from the Organiser side. Not much effort was made to promote this event on their behalf; only the Manager came together with a photographer to the "Meet the Artist" day. Mmmmnnn I thought he would be taking photos of my residency and make a little bit of publicity about my artwork but it was contrary to my thoughts.

  Surprisingly, the photographer took the same photo I had taken and used as my poster, this is from a view that  only residents have access to it. I had promoted my opening event with it and had previously emailed the poster to the Organiser in order to promote my opening. My flyer was displayed on the window hut for every one to see.  However no publicity was made about my residency or work, only a couple of links to my blog posted on fb.

 I wasn't happy with the implications, as I felt I had been robed. There must have been previous artists to me on Residence at the Hut, who may have noticed such an inspiring view, but as far as I am concerned, I have never seen the same image published before me.

  Creative Canterbury is now using the image taken by their photographer to promote their own business, and the product they sell. But considering they serve to the arts, and the artists involved, who happily agree to be doing unpaid work on their site, they should consider to respect artist's work, and this is an opposite sample of good practice. It is quite interesting also to know that, Creative Canterbury has removed all publicity involved related to the residences at the Blue Little Hut, so there's not any record now online about my own residency, only the ones tha I am publishing in my blog here.

It's good to create tendencies, though, respect is a must.

As for the views, I've seen the most beautiful sunsets  ever from the window at Little Blue Hut, located in Tankerton Slopes in Whitstable. Below there are some photographs which I have selected and edited on video.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meet the Artist

Your are invited to meet the artist at work at the Little Blue Hut
and see a selection of drawings, painting and poetry developed as Artist in Residence
Little Blue Hut N.139 at Tankerton Slope Whisthable 
Friday 13th of May 2011
Time, 2-7 pm
Below "The Artist's Eye"  Copyright M.A.L.Huguet